Minerva Projects has been awarded a generous grant covering production costs for Project 3, Text Book: Tamy Ben-Tor & Miki Carmi. We are delighted and honored. The book is scheduled to be published in May; With texts by Martin Brest, Norman Chernick-Zeitlin, Coco Fusco, Kate Gaudy, Koksue Kawahra, Adara Meyers, and Alpesh Kantilal Patel; and Design by Joshua Gamma

The Institute demonstrates amazing commitment to art and dialogue, pushing new alignments to forge rich, unexpected conversations. Program set for March 8 and 30th, “New Renaissance in Feminist Art” exemplify this. I can’t wait to attend these talks and hope you will join too!

Minerva Projects has been awarded a generous grant covering production costs for Project 3, Text Book: Tamy Ben-Tor & Miki Carmi. We are delighted and honored. The book is scheduled to be published in May; With texts by Martin Brest, Norman Chernick-Zeitlin, Coco Fusco, Kate Gaudy, Koksue Kawahra, Adara Meyers, and Alpesh Kantilal Patel; and […]

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